Sunday. . Honduras. . a day of rest. . could of fooled me!

Sunday. . Honduras. . a day of rest. . could of fooled me!

We started our first full day with a great breakfast at the hotel of fresh fruit, ham and cheese omeletes, toast and the best coffee you have EVER drank! ( We do eat well on these trips! I promise!) We then went to Mt. Olivos for a morning of song, preaching (by Ty) and family photos!  This team brought a camera a picture printer and some beautiful frames!   So we took family photos today so they will have a family photo for their house!  Some of the families were not there…so this project will continue into August I am sure!  But what a cool idea!  When we announced it…they rushed out of the community center and bathed…changed clothes and came back with smiles on their faces…It was so sweet to see…I love the way God works through the different teams…with new ideas and new things to do to bless Olivos and Copprome…It is always so neat to watch as people on our teams use their gifts…and the people in Honduras benefit from it…. Then off to Copprome to love on everyone…we have lots of people on this trip who came last year….are sponsors….and are now back to see their kids….the reunion…for me…is very special….and teary… We ended the day with Pizza Hut pizza at the hotel and a time of sharing what we saw today and why we came…..lots of sweet words from lots of sweet people… I love these trips!

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