15 Jan Pictures in the dirt….
We started this day like all others…with a fantastic breakfast and a group of enthusiastic hearts ready to make a difference….this trip is a little different than most…this trip is one where we brought our partners ‘147 Million Orphans’ owners and their families to see everything they had helped accomplish!!! You see…they had heard all that we were doing…but seeing it adds a whole new perspective!!! I know these ladies, Gwen Oatsvall and Suzanne Mayernick …I know their hearts…and I knew they would fall madly in love with the kids at Copprome and the families at Mt Olivos….These 2 don’t just talk the talk….they jump in aggressively and walk the walk…and bringing them here has been more than just a blessing… it has been a sweet and pure experience…between them they have adopted 7 kids…they understand orphans…they understand that God calls us to help them….they see right through the children’s eyes and into their hearts….sharing this with them is a dream come true for me……….so………we take them to Mt Olivos the poor village where we built the well and are planning to build 27 homes….we walk through showing them everything……….we get to the back……under the trees…..by the creek where the children play…….we normally just look and wave at the kids and shout Hola….the kids come running and we hug and smile… but today was different…..a couple of Suzanne and Gwen’s kids were already back there playing with the Mt Olivos kids…..so Gwen walks back there to get them……….. she looks down in the dirt and there is a drawing…..very clear and precise….it is a row of houses……it is their future….the little girl has drawn their village as she dreams and prays for it to be…..Gwen asked her which one was hers….she pointed at the one in the middle… she has a vision and has literally drawn it with her families house in the middle!!….. these kids understand that there is a bright future and they have hope because we have promised them that ….they will have a home for the first time in their lives…It is so cool to be a part of something that literally changes a childs hope of a future….the hope of having a roof over their heads and a real village to call home…… There is a spark in these kids eyes that was not there a year ago….I cannot wait to see them as they move into their homes…..we are blessed and sharing that is an amazing feeling……….. Next we go to lunch then shopping downtown to buy food for Copprome Orphanage and for the families at Mt Olivos….that is always a cool experience as we load the van/bus with as much food as we can get in it…..we will make food bags tomorrow morning to take to the Mt Olivos families… then off to Copprome for an afternoon of lovin, smiles, laughter and yes….even some tears………as Gwen and Suzanne watch a mom and dad come to ‘visit’ their 6 kids that the government has taken from them and placed in an orphanage because the family was so poor the kids were eating dirt just to survive……as the mom and dad left….watching the 2 year old cry to the top of his lungs was heart wrenching…..why? we ask? how? we ask? we don’t have the answers…but we do know that these kids were not created to suffer…it is not their fault that their parents cannot support them…..we cannot fix it all….but we can give these kids some love that they so desperately need…just kissing their cheeks and snuggling them close…letting them know that they were not a mistake…not a problem that needs to be fixed….but a real child of God that was created to be loved and nurtured and respected and adored……we all have the ability to love….God gave us that when He created us…so why do so many people hate…or ignore…or turn their back……I don’t know…maybe they have forgotten their creator…..maybe they have covered their Godly souls with so much junk that they need to be cleaned up……We all have the ability to love….it is free….it is real….and it feels so stinkin good!!!!!!
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