
Trip Team

Mission Trips

Our mission trips are designed for you to have an opportunity to do light construction work and to play with the kids in our villages and at Copprome Children’s home. You will experience a love so sweet, your life will be forever changed. These trips are open to anyone, but children under 18 must travel with a parent or guardian.

** If you would like to organize your own trip of 15 or more people, please contact Rhonda Wicks at

Medical Trips

Our MEDICAL trips are twice a year to Utila, Honduras in April and September. We serve a poor community of 3,000 people and it is an amazing experience. This trip is open to Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, nurses and a few nonmedical personnel. It is a great trip to bring your spouse on…there is something for everyone to do!


The airfare can be booked by us or by you, as long as you co-ordinate the times with us to insure pick up at the airport is with the rest of the team. Flights approved are on Delta or United and arrive in Honduras (SAP) around noon on the first day of the trip.

“Each of us were moved by our experience in Honduras and grateful for all the effort you put forth to make it happen. I certainly appreciate how devoted you and your team are to your mission. You guys are the real deal and you’re changing not only the lives of those young people in Honduras, but you’re also changing the lives of every person you take over there.”   


Recent h2h Mission Team Member