02 Mar One added to the family nest and one leaves!

When God entrusted this ministry to me… I knew that my son would be involved. ….I mean, God used Shelton as the messenger to get me to Honduras…..so I knew His plan included him. But I had no idea He would call him to move there and be our “person on the ground”.
Lots of people are asking me how I feel about it….asking me if I am sad that he is moving away for at least a year….asking me if I am worried….asking me if I think he is making a mistake….the answer to all of these questions is NO!
I am excited about what God is going to do through him….I am excited about how much he will grow spiritually and personally as he will be responsible for overseeing 27 houses from ground up….He will be responsible for helping mentor the men in the community to become leaders for their families….showing them there is hope and love and guidance from those of us who feel commanded to help and greatest of all from their creator… he will be our ears and eyes for the orphanage to make sure their needs are met….he will become fluent in spanish. ….he will help lead and guide our mission teams. ….I am excited about the man that God is molding and shaping as I have watched my baby boy turn into my grown son. .
As I look at baby Elle who is 6 days old…. I am reminded that God knew 23 and 1/2 years ago that He was preparing Shelton for this task. …will it be easy? …. no…. but I am positive that the joy he will feel as he helps bring stability and hope to these people will be unexplainable. …as will the feelings of peace and contentment that comes from following God’s will instead of American standards that say “graduate from college, get a job, make as much money as you can so you can hoard as many assets as possible”.
So. …as I say goodby with a huge smile on my face. . it is because this has always been my prayer for my kids. …that they would follow Gods plan. . their creator’s vision for their lives. . so far. . I am blessed that they both depend on Him for their paths.
And as a mom, I admit my heart is also fine because I travel to Honduras about 10 times a year. . so I will see him often!
Shelton has raised half of his money needed for a year in Honduras. . if you would like to help cover some of his living expenses. . you can go towww.hearts2honduras.com and make a tax deductible donation. . just put Shelton Honduras in the notes.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for this ministry…God is doing some amazing things in Honduras…I hope you are planning to go this summer on one of our trips and be a part of it too!!! Blessings…
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