20 Jan Country music… Food… And palm oil!
I am sitting here on an airplane returning to the US after 10 amazing days in Honduras! I knew 2014 was going to be filled with new opportunities as well as continuing the projects we began 3 years ago. . But I did not expect to feel quite so elated. . I don’t know why I am surprised. . Isn’t that what God does for His children?. . . . My emotions are so high and full of anticipation of everything He is organizing in Honduras. . . New partnerships are forming and with each one brings more hope . . . more love. . . and more help for the people of Honduras.
I cannot share everything that was accomplished quite yet because all of the details are not finalized. . But I can tell you that Shelton and I are more excited and more equiped than we have ever been.
As we were reflecting on it all, we were filled with joy overflowing. . Here are a few of the cool things going on:
1) We have started a palm grove in Olivos. . this will be great income for the village because the oil is produced every 15 days. . the president of Olivos has asked us to take on this project so the future generations of the Olivos families will be solid. We love working with their president named Tino. . He is honest, humble and is always looking out for his people. . Always thinking about the “big picture” not just about the current situation. It is an honor and a blessing to work alongside him.
2) We were able to help our partners, the Lenderman family, begin a feeding program in Olivos. They have taken on this project which will help fund them as missionaries and allow them to move to El Progreso this summer. . . They will be on the ground and will be making sure the kids are fed 5 days a week and will be doing Bible studies with the people of Olivos. We are very excited to walk alongside them on this journey!
3) We hosted country music artist Jana Kramer and friends for 4 days this past week in El Progreso. . They loved every moment and are excited to partner with us on several upcoming projects! She sang to them everyday and after she left. . . The Copprome kids who have MP-3 players (we buy them one for their 13th birthdays) had all downloaded Jana’s songs and were singing them to the top of their lungs. . . . More to come later on what all this partnersip will entail!
4) We are able to supply most of the food for Copprome Orphanage and Childrens Home because of our monthy family sponsorship program! Every month when I travel to Honduras, I go to the grocery store and to the open market to buy food for the kids. . Every 2 weeks we fill their cabinets, refrigerators and freezers with food. . Gaby and Shelton buy it when I am in the States. . Thank you family sponsors for making sure the 44 kids at Copprome are healthy and well fed! We also pay the monthly electric bill from a private donor who is dedicated to the kids there!
5) We were able to take all the Copprome kids to buy their school uniforms, school shoes, tennis shoes for PE, backpacks and books! School starts in February and they are so excited. . They were so proud of the backs packs that each one picked out for themselves! Being a part of this is amazing. . . And our education sponsors make it all possible. . Thank you!. . I wish all of you could have been there to see the kids look with huge eyes at the backpacks. . And then be told “Pick whichever one you like”. . Their eyes lit up brighter than a Christmas tree! The past 3 years we have just bought them in bulk. . But this year. . Shelton and I took each child to pick out their own. . It was worth all the time it took to see their proud faces as they left the stores. . Holding on to their unique choice like it was liquid gold. . Oh. . The things we take for granted. . Our H2H sponsors are really changing the lives of these precious children. .
All of these reasons and many more are why my heart is overflowing and bursting with joy this day! We would love for you to be a part of these amazing projects we are working on and the future ones that we will begin! Private message me or email me at Rhonda@hearts2honduras.org for questions or to go on a trip. . . . . or go to www.hearts2honduras.org to make a donation! It takes all of us together to make huge world changes. . Thank you for partnering with us!
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