18 states. . 2 countries. . 1 HEART!

18 states. . 2 countries. . 1 HEART!


It all began Sunday morning in Houston,TX with a flurry of everyone meeting each other for the first time and rearranging a few flights because of weather related missed flights. . . Finally. . After months of planning. . Emails. . Phone calls. .
Studying passports photos . . And prayers. . I got to meet these sweet people we called Team Kramer!
You see. . It was Jana Kramer. . Yes. . The actress and Country Music singer who put out the “invite” for this trip!


Jana filmed her music video “Love” in Honduras one year ago with us and fell in love with our ministries in El Progreso. . She returned in August and decided to invite some of her fans to join her on the next trip! Wow!!!! The trip filled up in 42 hours and the lucky 34 were exactly what Honduras needed this past week! People from 18 states and Australia joined our team and even the hotel staff said this team was different..one staff member said “They were so friendly and warm to everyone.” Another of the hotel staff said “I didn’t see Jana all week”. . Why? Because this past week, Jana was a Hearts2Honduras team member. . Part of our family.. . She worked and played and laughed and loved. . She was able to be herself and enjoy the mission trip along with her sweet fiancé Mike. Together they helped lead this group with insight and clarity on love and service to others. . Her manager Kathryn and husband Nick also came and completed this team. .
I am always amazed at how God brings strangers together. . And how quickly they become a team when they have a common goal. . To love and serve. . There were so many on this team that traveled alone. . Answering the call to go and serve. . Getting out of their comfort zone as they all wondered who this Rhonda lady was that they received emails and correspondence from. . . and would they like the trip. . Would they meet people they would feel comfortable with? Those fears were all addressed and dismissed with our first bus ride together. . Pew were already a team and we had not even gotten to the hotel and chosen our roommates. . What a perfect blend of personalities. . .


We were able to give out 1000 pounds of clothing thanks to Havi, Kimberly and the rest of the team who worked so hard to collect and bring clothes. . The villages of Olivos and Coroza were overwhelmed and thrilled with their new wardrobes!

We also spent 2 days pouring floors at our new building. . The Will Smith Learning Center! This center will give 100+ at risk kids a place to do their homework take English classes and learn life skills!


A small group from our team also visited the public hospital maternity ward and took food and new born clothes to the moms there!
Yes. . When God puts hearts together. . Nothing but love abounds. . The week with this group was filled with smiles. . Laughter and hugs. . They not only served the people of Honduras. . They secured special places in each team members hearts. . Thank you Jana and Kathryn for taking a chance bringing this group together. . It was a huge success!!!


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