10 Nov Hit the ground runnin’
We arrived in Honduras today with Gaby and Sister Teresita waiting for us at the airport!! It always makes me double happy when Gaby is there to greet me… Most of the time she is in school when we arrive..but today was her last day…so she was able to be there. She named me her madrina which means Godmother…she said it is the mother God gave her…sweet, sweet child she is…. when we arrived we came straight to the hotel to get unloaded and change into summer clothes…(must I mention that changing deoderants just because there is a great sale right before a trip to Honduras is not a very smart idea…stay with Secret…Suave does not work as well!)…then off to Copprome to see everyone and get the list of needs!! WOW what a sweet greeting we received…so many hugs and kisses and notes….it never ceases to amaze me how excited they are that we return….I pray that we never quit celebrating each other…I just think it makes Jesus smile as He sees the tears in our eyes… Then Nando shows up with a new taxi…wow…it is so sharp and he is so proud…I must say his daily rate is higher…but it is worth it..he now has air conditioning!!!! BUT he only runs it if we pay for the gas….haha…which we gladly will do!!!! And then Lola arrives….now our entire team is together!!!! Now we are ready to take the list and conquer it!!! s So off we go downtown to buy lots of food for Copprome!!! AND THAT WE DID!! We bought $1200 worth of food in about 4 hours….which I must say is record time! I think the sweet downtown vendors we buy from are getting used to me and what I want… they greet me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and remind me of everything they have… and sweet Lola reminds them that we are buying for Copprome Orphanage and we need a discount!! haha!! Oh I forgot to tell you that Roxanne let us use her Xterra to go and buy the food! She trusted Ty to drive it!!! WOW…that is a first..and I must say there were some close calls as to whether that would ever happen again…like…ummm…backing into the vegetable vendor slot so we could load up fresh vegetables…I closed my eyes as I paid the bill….I just kept praying that we kept the car safe!! And it worked…we got back to the orphanage with lots of groceries and no accidents in the car!!! When we returned I got brave and asked Roxanne, the director of the orphanage if Gaby could spend the week with me at the hotel….I don’t usually ask for such huge favors…but I mean she is going to be a part of our family in a year and living in the US with me…so I thought this is a perfect trip to just be bold and ask since it is only Ty and I here. She looked at me sadly and said she can spend all day with you now that she is out of school…but bring her back here to sleep…I said ok…great…that makes me happy…and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek…Nando picked Ty and I up and brought us back to the hotel…we had been up since 3:30am and it was now 4:30…we needed a shower…some food and some rest!!! So we said our goodbyes…lots of hugs, kisses and promises to be back manana (tomorrow)…I had just gotten in my room and my phone rang…it was Gaby… she said ‘mom, Roxanne said I could sleep with you!’…..she was almost crying she was so happy!!! I said well come on!…so Nando went back and picked her up!! She packed for the entire 4 days…how sweet and special this time will be!! This is the first time I have been with her for this long alone….She is a special girl…created to fit right into the Wicks/Hasty family!!! I am so thankful that God put us together…. and she loves her Uncle Ty…she thinks he and Shelton are alot alike and she can’t quit talking about Mandi’s new baby Elle which will arrive next year!!! haha! Blessings to all of you! Riley will be arriving tomorrow and we meet with the mayor on Friday…please be in prayer for this meeting…2012 will be a great year! More manana..(tomorrow)..
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