11 Mar 11 blessed days. . Something you should experience. .
The past 11 days have been a freeing time of renewal, revival and confirmation. . . They started with a focus on getting the English program at Copprome confirmed and planted. . . A program that can actually change a child’s life forever. . A program that we have dreamed about for 4 years. . A program that was not on the “front burner” because food, shelter, and a local education were the first priorities. . but because of our amazing family and education sponsors who are consistant and dedicated. . We can now go a step further. . We can educate the Copprome kids in a way that gives them an upper hand, if you will. . . a step ahead of the average. . The gift of being bi-lingual. . I mean. . Think about it. . . Even in the US. . If you are bi-lingual. . Your job opportunities expand. . So we teach these precious kids who have basically been abandoned or their families are too poor to survive. . . English. . . Our dream of 4 years ago when we started this ministry is being lived out. . . .Will all 44 kids be bi-lingual? Probably not. . But for those excited and willing to work and learn. . . The opportunity is there. . Isn’t that all we can do? Offer opportunity to those who are willing to work for it? Ok. . Admit it. . You take 20 kids in the US and offer them all the same opportunity. . Some will go for it. . Some will not. . . Do you continue to help those few who work. . Or give up? I think about Jesus saying it is hard. . Like finding a needle in a haystack or fitting through a pinhole. . I believe in opportunity. . Knowing everyone will not want to pursue it. . But for those who do. . Their lives are forever changed. . . The cup is half full. . Or totally full for those willing to work for it. .
I have to tell you all that the child I have seen working the hardest the past 11 days on English was not one who has tested into a private school. . Not one who everyone knows is Very Intelligente. . No. . It is one who has an American la familia in our sponsorship program who visits at least once a year. . she wants to be able to communicate with them. .and because of this sweet desire. . . She will be blessed with better job opportunities in the future. . Yes. . You can make a huge difference in these children’s lives by visiting and sponsoring. .
Olivos. . This community is really becoming a village. . Loving each other. . Helping each other. . The feeding program for the school kids is amazing. . One of our partners Hope Through Him has taken on this project and it is sweet to see some of the women in the village stepping up and cooking for the kids a lunchtime meal everyday. . We were able to go several days and add chicken and tortillas and laugh and giggle as we cooked and served along side each other. . Just women working together to take care of children who are hungry. .
It is a no brainer. . We are created to love all children. . Just like Jesus did. . Do some of them get on your nerves? Absolutely. . But we are created to love and serve knowing that every ounce of love makes a difference. . That’s why it feels so good and brings so much joy!
There are a few women and children in Olivos beginning an English program too. . .one of our new projects in the testing phase. . . More to come later on that opportunity. .
The mission house is our residence in El Progreso. . We have been praying for a safer environment in a gated community so we could feel peace and extend it to those in need. . We found a new location this trip that is everything we have prayed for. . AND it is less expensive than the other location!
As I sit here on the airplane heading home. . What I feel is a renewed spirit with all that God is doing. . A peace with my 2 Honduran children who call me mom. . The time we spent together this trip was normal and full of contentment. . We cooked together. . .Watched movies and hung out in our mission house. . It totally felt like a home. . . Leaving them is always sad. . But this time I have such a peace about how we have truly become a family unit. . Forever. . No questions. . Not based on money or what we are able to buy for them. . But on love. . True, genuine, unimaginable love, unconditional. . Only love you can learn from your creator. .
If this all intrigues you. . Why wait? Jump on a trip this summer and SEE what all this is about. . it is unbelievable. . Something you should experience. .
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