You Can Help

Here is how to get involved!

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Outreach Programs

Our outreach programs include Copprome Orphanage, the Will Smith Learning Center in Barrio Suyapa, the Nutrition Center, and our Love and Learn 21 program, an education program for children with Down syndrome. Learn about all of the Hearts2Honduras programs and how you can help.

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Mission Trips

Our mission trips are designed for you to have an opportunity to meet and build relationships with the children and families supported by our h2h outreach programs. There are opportunities to organize your own group trips of 15 or more people.

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Medical Trips

We serve a poor community of 3,000 people. This amazing experience is open to Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, nurses and a few nonmedical personnel. This is more than a medical mission trip. You will also have the opportunity to explore the unique and rustic island of Utila, Honduras.

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There are many ways that your donation can help fund our ministry! Learn how your tax deductible donation can help our many outreach programs be successful.

Make A Difference

 “break the circle of poverty, one child at a time”

Your donation will help these children be successful!